miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

"A story behind each letter" by Gandhi Bookstores.

Gandhi bookstores - CASE STUDY / A story behind each letter from Victor Alvarado on Vimeo.

Mexico’s reading rate is one of the world’s lowest. Half a book a year per person is only a sign of the lack of interest that Mexicans show for books and reading. What can we do to interest them? Our solution was to show how easy reading could be by engaging people through the aesthetics of a writers' colors: 27 different and uniquely individual letters, all with their own captivating story, that are now part of the Mexican urban and graphic landscape.


"Book Calendar" by Gandhi Bookstores.

BRONZE Lion Cannes 2012 -Design-
Nowadays, México's reading rate is half a book a year per person.
We created a calendar dividing one book in 365 pages, so people couldread one page a day.
These calendars are available within our bookstores.

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